Participating in Suicide Prevention

Suicide prevention can feel like a scary topic. So scary it’s difficult to talk about. And the key to prevention is to begin talking about it so that life saving strategies can be employed to help the person recover and feel better. In honor of Mental Health Awareness month, we would like to take some […]


This time of year is a perfect time to catch up with family and friends. Of course the holidays are the perfect excuse to indulge, wear your elastic waist pants, and go for that second slice of pie.  Preparing and budgeting for those elaborate holiday meals or, searching for the perfect gift, the latest video […]

How can I communicate better with my partner?

It’s normal to bicker and argue with our partners. However, if things have reached a boiling point and it seems as though the most mundane comment can turn into a heated argument it may be time to do a temperature check on your communication. Here are some things to consider if your communication is at […]

Mindful of the Changing Seasons: Welcoming Summer

We tend to mark the passage of time with the changes of the seasons; seemingly endless when we’re young, passing quickly as we age. From winter to spring, from spring to summer, we pause and take note first externally: more obvious for those of us who live with clear changes of the seasons, with melting […]

May = Mental Health Mindfulness

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Over the course of the past several years, our Vista Hill SmartCare teams have been utilizing the National health, behavioral health and social issue topics of each month as a best practice of promoting awareness of wellness topics and supporting healthy live-style choices. One of the primary missions of […]

The Angst of (Parenting) Adolescents

Our Vista Hill SmartCare team was recently asked to provide a Wellness event for parents of 4th-6th graders of an elementary school in one of the communities we serve, addressing concerns of parenting adolescents/teens. I must admit that I struggled with this topic for a bit: these are parents of nine to eleven year olds! […]